Monday, April 30, 2012

Golf On The Rocks!

I remember hearing about this book last summer on Radio Scotland and keep on forgetting to buy the thing! So note to self; Amazon or a bookshop and read it. My island golf has been limited to Arran to date so it may act as the catalyst required to get me on a few Cal Mac ferries.

Here's the synopsis anyway.

Golf on the Rocks: A Journey Round Scotland’s Island Courses

Gary Sutherland was a lapsed golfer until he acquired his late dad’s putter. After studying a crumpled golf map of Scotland, he decided to embark on a voyage. His target was to play 18 rounds of golf on 18 Scottish islands in honour of his dad, a ship’s captain who, when he wasn’t at sea, was never off the golf course.

Gary’s journey would take him from the Northern Isles to the Outer Hebrides. Playing in the Harris hail and Arran sunshine, he encountered all manner of golfing hazards, including sheep on the tees, cows on the fairways and electric fences round the greens.

This is golf in the raw – a million miles from St Andrews. It’s a life-affirming tale of remembrance and discovery. It’s about having a laugh and holding on to what’s dear. And it’s about a putter with magical properties. You can believe what you want to believe, but it all happened…

A heart-warming tale of hooks, slices, ferries, fairways and friendship that’ll make you want to pick up a golf club and phone your dad – Charlie Connelly, author of Attention All Shipping

Buy Golf on the Rocks hardback

Buy Golf on the Rocks for Kindle

Buy Golf on the Rocks iBook

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