GTS have been involved in helping VisitScotland and the Scottish Golf Union to develop the logistics of the "Drive it Home" promotion and encourages its members to get fully involved in the promotion, which has the ability to generate awareness of the depth and breadth of golf available across Scotland to the US and other key overseas markets.
We recognise that not all promotional activities offer equal benefits to the participants but, in essence, there is no direct cost to Golf Tourism Scotland members and the benefits therefore can be measured in increased coverage and PR opportunities. At worst there may be coverage and no additional bookings, but at best (and with increased involvement of the golf clubs this becomes more likely) there is an opportunity to pick up substantial and additional new business from the overseas markets.
Whilst true that GTS expressed concerns about the promotional planning process in the early stages we have been involved in shaping the detail over the past two months and remain confident that our future involvement in planning for golf promotions with the SGU and VS will be from a much earlier stage in the process. We are therefore encouraging all members to support the promotion as fully as they feel able to.
The promotion will be run during 2009 and target golfers worldwide. There will be a specific golf consumer campaign in both the USA and Sweden, while other markets will utilise PR, trade and direct marketing via VisitBritain, Scottish Development International and other organisations’ databases.
How can you get involved?
Three websites have been developed by VisitScotland for travel deals and will cover the North American market, Sweden and the Rest of World. Any offers will appear on all three websites, unless a participant specifies otherwise.
Offers fall into the following categories:
1. Tour operator packages.
2. Hotels.
3. Car Hire.
4. Things to See and Do – visitor attractions, whisky distilleries, restaurants etc.
It is proposed that businesses from each category choose from the following offers:
Tour Operators
Minimum $100 per person reduction in the price of a tour (if booked before May 09)
Minimum $100 per person reduction in the price of a tour (valid all year)
Stay 3 nights and receive complimentary 4th night (Jan – Apr & Oct – Dec)
Stay 5 nights and receive complimentary 6th night (valid all year)
Stay 3 nights and receive complimentary dinner on arrival night (valid all year)
Complimentary room upgrade (valid all year)
Car Hire
Book 6 days and receive complimentary 7th day (Jan – Apr & Oct – Dec)
Free upgrade to next vehicle group (valid all year)
Things to See and Do
2 for 1 on entrance fees (Jan – Apr & Oct – Dec)
Save 15% on all retail purchases (valid all year)
VisitScotland are looking for good value propositions, to assist in converting tentative enquiries about a holiday in Scotland into commercial reality. This is an opportunity to be part of one the largest golf promotions during the year of Homecoming 2009.
If, in principle, you are interested please respond with your preferred offer to
If there is another offer you would like to be considered instead, or you have an alternative opinion, feel free to let us know and we will pass on your comments – positive or negative. GTS representatives will be meeting with VS on Friday 10th Oct to discuss the proposals, and we would therefore appreciate your replies by 9:00am that day at the latest.
Golf Tourism Scotland
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