GTS member Christine Seaton of Scotland Welcomes has recently been appointed to communicate the VisitScotland lead Drive It Home promotion for Homecoming Scotland 2009 to clubs across the country.
The promotion which has been launched by the First Minister at the recent Ryder Cup is aimed at encouraging golfers to register online and claim a free fourball for Scotland in 2009.
GTS administrator, Ian McCaig explained the membership body's position.
"GTS have been involved in helping VisitScotland and the Scottish Golf Union in developing the logistics of the “Drive it Home” promotion and are encouraging its members to get fully involved in the promotion, which has the ability to generate awareness of the depth and breadth of golf available across Scotland to the US and other key overseas markets.
We recognise that not all promotional activities offer equal benefits to the participants but, in essence, there is no direct cost to Golf Tourism Scotland members and the benefits therefore can be measured in increased coverage and PR opportunities. At worst there may be coverage and no additional bookings, but at best (and with increased involvement of the golf clubs this becomes more likely) there is an opportunity to pick up substantial and additional new business from the overseas markets.
Whilst true that GTS expressed concerns about the promotional planning process in the early stages we have been involved in shaping the detail over the past two months and remain confident that our future involvement in planning for golf promotions with the SGU and VS will be from a much earlier stage in the process. We are therefore encouraging all of our members to support the promotion as fully as they are able to.”
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