Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Scottish Golf Monitor Report for July 08

Preliminary report for July 2008 as at 17 September 2008
The key figure this month is that, for the 36 courses for which direct comparisons can be made at this stage, total visitor rounds in July 2008 were 4% down on average compared to July 2007. This continues the trend of 2008 being generally down on 2007 (apart from a good May), though the decrease in July is less than in April and June.
  • 64,423 visitor rounds were played in July 2008 at the 67 courses which have so far provided figures – an average of 962 visitor rounds per course.
  • Average green fee revenue for the month was £29,167 per course (inclusive of VAT) at the 54 courses which provided revenue figures.
  • Average rounds per course were lower than in June, which was slightly lower than May – the busiest month of the season so far.
Golf Tourism Scotland (GTS) is carrying out the 2008 National Golf Tourism Monitor on behalf of VisitScotland (VS) and Scottish Enterprise (SE). The Monitor has the support of both the Scottish Golf Union (SGU) and the Club Managers’ Association of Europe (CMAE) who are encouraging their members to participate.

The aims of the Monitor are to quantify levels, patterns, and trends in golf tourism in Scotland, and thus to: help golf course operators compare their market positioning and performance with industry averages, and thus target their marketing more effectively;assist VS, SE, and other agencies in their overall golf tourism planning and marketing activities.

The Monitor is based on figures supplied by golf courses throughout Scotland. So far, 98 courses have registered, and several more are expected to do so shortly. The Monitor is described in more detail on and any clubs which would like to participate and have not already registered can go to the website and click on Register Now.

The more courses that provide figures, the more accurate, detailed, and helpful the reports will be.By logging on at, courses participating in the Monitor will also be able to access more detailed reports comparing their own performance to the averages for courses in different categories.

These categories, with the average number of visitor rounds in each case and the number of courses returning July figures so far, are shown in the Full July Report

In addition the results from January to June are also now available to download.

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